114 Farm & Home Realty | Mark Corwin Broker




sell your property with 114 Farm and Home Realty offers numerous benefits and advantages

Extensive Knowledge of Missouri: As a team that covers all 114 counties in Missouri, we have in-depth knowledge of the local real estate market, including trends, property values, and potential buyers. Our expertise allows us to accurately assess the value of your property and effectively market it to the right audience.

Personalized Service: With one dedicated agent per county, we provide personalized and attentive service to each client. You can expect a high level of attention and support throughout the entire selling process. Our agents take the time to understand your needs, goals, and preferences, ensuring a customized approach tailored to your property.

Local Expertise: Our team consists of professionals who live and work in the areas they represent. This local expertise gives us an intimate understanding of the unique characteristics, amenities, and attractions of your property’s location. We can effectively highlight the features that make your property stand out and appeal to potential buyers.

Extensive Network: Over the years, we have built strong connections and networks within the real estate industry. We have access to a wide pool of potential buyers, including investors, developers, and individuals seeking rural, recreational, agricultural or residential properties. Our network allows us to match your property with the right buyers efficiently.

Comprehensive Marketing Strategy: We utilize a variety of marketing channels to ensure maximum exposure for your property. This includes online listings, social media promotion, professional photography and videography, targeted advertising, and networking within the real estate community. Our goal is to attract qualified buyers and generate significant interest in your property.

Negotiation Skills: Our experienced agents are skilled negotiators who will work tirelessly to secure the best possible deal for you. We will represent your interests throughout the negotiation process, ensuring that you receive fair offers and favorable terms.

Hassle-Free Experience: Selling a property can be complex and time-consuming. By partnering with 114 Farm and Home Realty, you can rely on our team to handle the paperwork, coordinate showings, conduct property inspections, and navigate any legal or logistical challenges. We aim to provide you with a smooth and stress-free selling experience.

Choosing 114 Farm and Home Realty means working with a dedicated team of professionals who are committed to achieving your real estate goals. We have the knowledge, experience, and resources to effectively market and sell your property. Contact us today to discuss listing your property and experience the benefits of working with our reputable agency.